Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAS
Research work on analytic theories of strongly correlated, low dimensional, condensed matter systems.
A new pathway for future electronic devices: collective electron-lattice states in nanostructures Physical Engineering
phone no. +48 22 826 89 11
Can the couplling of electrons in a low dimensional system with a topological state of a lattice lead to new exotic orderings?
The field theoretic description will be used for both the electronic liquid and elastic lattice. Then the two effective models will be couplled and instabilities of this composite theory will be investigated. The analytic theory will be supplemented by numerical studies. These latter ones will provide us with realistic amplitudes for various competing scattering channels.
After obtaining his PhD at Paris-Sud University (Orsay, France) in 2008 where Piotr Chudzinski was working on cuprates, he became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) carrying out the research on collective modes in semimetals (Bi1-xSbx family). He continued his postdoctoral research at the University of Regensburg (Germany) working on carbon nanotubes, at Utrecht University (Netherlands) studying columnar tri-chalcogenides and at the Queen's University of Belfast (the United Kingdom) conducting the study of incipient ferroelectrics.
Lu, J. et al. (2019). Emergence of a real-space symmetry axis in the magnetoresistance of the one-dimensional conductor Li0.9Mo6O17. Science Advances, 5, eaar8027.
Chudzinski, P. (2020). Anharmonic coupling between electrons and TO phonons in the vicinity of a ferroelectric quantum critical point. Physical Review Research, 2, 012048(R).
Fazzini, S., Chudzinski, P., Dauer, C., Schneider, I. & Eggert, S. (2021). Nonequilibrium floquet steady states of time-periodic driven Luttinger liquids. Physical Review Letters, 126(24), 243401.
5B Pawińskiego 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Tadeusz Burczynski
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