The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) welcomes applications for a pool of evaluators from all academic disciplines. Experts with relevant experience and expertise will be appointed to assess the research proposals submitted to the PASIFIC Fellowship Programme’s Call 1 and Call 2.
PASIFIC is a new fellowship programme implemented by the PAS and financed by the MSCA Cofund and the Polish Ministry of Science and Education. It offers scientists of any nationality and all scientific disciplines an opportunity to gain two years of postdoctoral research experience, conducting an ambitious research project at one of the PAS institutes.
The research proposals submitted to the PASIFIC calls will be evaluated by three thematic panels, that will cover the following disciplines: 1- Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), 2 – Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE), 3 – Life Sciences (LS). Each panel will consist of 15 researchers.
The President of the PAS will appoint three Panel Chairs.
Panel Chairs supported by the Deans of the five PAS research divisions will select evaluators based on this registration form. Three elements will be taken into account to select evaluators: experts’ scientific achievements, their experience in evaluating research proposals, and the thematic areas of the proposals submitted to the PASIFIC call.
A minimum quota of 35% of female evaluators per panel will be applied as a general rule and at least 50% of evaluators will not have Polish nationality.
Evaluators will evaluate research proposals. Five experts will evaluate each proposal. One of the five experts will be appointed to be a lead evaluator. The entire evaluation process will be carried out remotely in English, in the following stages:
In summary, the external expert will be responsible for:
Expected period of the evaluators’ involvement:
PASIFIC Call 1: The individual evaluation will take place from 15 July 2021 to 31 August 2021. The consensus negotiations will be held in September 2021.
PASIFIC Call 2: The individual evaluation will take place from 15 January 2022 to 28 February 2022. The consensus negotiations will be held in March 2022.
The experts will receive a remuneration of EUR 450 per day (the conditions are comparable to those provided by the European Commission).
We welcome researchers from all scientific areas to register in our database via the following link:
Call closes: 1st June
Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis so please do not wait with the registration until the deadline. We will contact only selected persons. The notifications will be sent from May to July 2021.
For more information about the PASIFIC Fellowship Programme, please visit:
In case of any question please contact
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