Develop your passion –  Academy Smart Talks 2

During Academy Smart Talks event PASIFIC Fellowsrepresenting different scientific disciplines, matched in pairs, discussed numerous questions regarding life and work of scientist.

However, the most important task facing PASIFIC Fellows that day was to answer the question: what would you say to your younger self? How to develop you passion for science?

If you are curious about the answers you can now make up for it and watch a series of four videos!

Meet the participants:

Vineeta Kaushik from India and Ilyas Djafer-Cherif from France

Vineeta has joined Institute of Physical Chemistry of the PAS where she is investigating the non-invasive diagnostic method for Diabetic Retinopathy.

Ilyas Djafer -Cherif is also working at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the PAS where he experiments with predictive models of bacterial colonization from machine-learning aided image processing.

Don’t miss their talk!