Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, PAS
Researching peace and conflict dynamics in refugee shelters.
Peace and conflict dynamics in refugee shelters Social Sciences and Humanities
tel.: 48577703059
How do refugees experience peace and conflict in refugee shelters?
The main objective of this post-doctoral research is to conduct a comparative analysis of refugee shelters in Brazil, Colombia, Germany and Poland, aiming at identifying the forms of interpersonal conflicts, their generating causes and the existence of coping mechanisms. It also seeks to understand the construction of peaceful relations in the shelters and its influence on the conviviality within these spaces. In this work, "Refugee" refers to all individuals housed in shelters regardless of their legal status. The research employs a qualitative-quantitative ethnographic methodology with extensive fieldwork encompassing semi-structured interview, survey and photography in refugee shelters in Brazil, Colombia, Germany and Poland. Through the comparative analysis between shelters in these four countries the research attempts to discover similarities and differences in how refugees experience conflicts and peace, as well as to identify good practices that could contribute to more peaceful shelters in other parts of the world. In addition, it seeks to provide evidence-based policy recommendations on the employment of refugee shelters as a humanitarian response.
Fabricio Carrijo graduated in International Relations from the State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and holds a master degree in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies from Jaume I University, Spain. In 2016, he earned a PhD degree in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The researcher’s scientific interests encompass refugee studies, peace studies, decolonial/post-colonial approaches and photography. From 2018 to 2022, Fabricio Carrijo worked as a professor of International Relations at the Federal University of Roraima, Brazil. In 2022, he joined the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences to research how refugees experience peace and conflict in shelters.
Carrijo, F.B., Górka, K., Aguiar, L.M., Bernardes, A.C.C., Palácio, A.I.B., Machado, A.C., Orihuela, J.F.C., Mangabeira, J.P., Assunção, R.G., Barros, S.L. da S. (2019). Migrant Stories: Sheltered Lives. Caderno 4 Campos, n. II, 117-147.
Simões, G. da F., Jarochinski Silva, J.C., Camargo, J.E., Carrijo, F.B. (2020). Cátedra Sérgio Vieira De Mello/Ufrr. In: J. B. Sala, R. G. Peres, L. L. Jubilut, A. B. Waldely, W. T. L. da Rosa (org.) 15 anos de Cátedra Sérgio Vieira de Mello no Brasil.
Carrijo, F.B. (2016). A theoretical and methodological proposal in Cultural Diplomacy analysis: the case of the Brazilian Cultural Centre in Barcelona (2003-2013). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
105 Aleja Solidarności 00-140 Warszawa, Poland
Prof. Katarzyna Kość-Ryżko
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