On 18 March, the 12th and final workshop of the PASIFIC training series on Intellectual Property Rights was held. During the online training, M. Wachowicz, an expert in the commercialization of scientific results and intellectual property management, presented the issues of identifying and classifying intellectual property rights, the role of the patent system, trademarks, copyright and confidentiality.

Earlier this year, on 28 February, the online workshop on Computational experiments within Virtual Research Environments took place. The event was organized by the PAS together with the experts Raul Palma, Head of the Data Analytics & Semantics department at PSNC, and Bartosz Bosak from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the PAS.

Two online PASIFIC workshops were held in December 2023:

Writing an effective research proposal. An expert A.Kwint from Kwintessence presented the topics relevant to most funding schemes: the research funding cycle, career development, project management, writing a good proposal.

Academic Writing for Social Sciences and Humanities. In order to meet the expectations of SSH researchers, A. Kirchknopf, Professor at the Central European University (CEU), gave a group training session on to how to formulate a clear research title, write a meaningful abstract, prepare an informative table of contents, narrow the research gap and formulate a comprehensive research question.

Since the beginning of the PASIFIC Programme, a total of 12 workshops have been held, both onsite and online. They covered a wide range of areas enabling fellows to acquire skills needed both for their scientific work and for ensuring the exploitation of their research results. To increase their impact and enable networking with the scientific community, all training courses were open to researchers from outside PASIFIC.