Supervisors from Institute of Philosophy And Sociology


Barbara Engelking is a professor of Social Sciences, for more than 30 years working on the Holocaust. She is the author or co-author of 10 books about the Holocaust and several articles in Polish and international journals. She is a head of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.


Research interests:

Holocaust, Polish-Jewish relations, Warsaw during WWII.


Major publications:

Engelking B. Grabowski J. (editor), (2018). DALEJ JEST NOC: Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski (“It is still night…”The fate of Jews in selected counties of occupied Poland).

Engelking B. Leociak J., (2013). Getto warszawskie: Przewodnik po nieistniejącym mieście. [Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to a Perished City].

Engelking B. (2011). “Jest taki piękny słoneczny dzień…” Losy Żydów szukających ratunku na wsi polskiej 1942-1945 [“It is Such a Beautiful and Sunny Day”: The Fate of Jews seeking refuge in Polish villages, 1942–1945]  (French edition 2015,  English edition 2016).


Danilo Facca golds a degree in philosophy from the University of Trieste (1987), and PhD (1999), and DSC (habilitation, 2005) degrees from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2002 and 2008, he received a Lanckoroński Foundation Scholarship. Since 2012, he is the Director of the Philosophical Section at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS. He is also the PI for a five-year NPRH grant on late Renaissance Polish Aristotelianism (2013-8). He is on the editorial boards of Odrodzenia i Reformacja w Polsce and Archiwum historii filozofii i myśli społecznej.


Research interests:

Renaissance philosophy, Aristotelianism, Early modern intellectual history.


Major Publications :

Facca D. (2005). Bartłomiej Keckermann i filozofia, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN Warszawa.

Facca D. (2011). “Le traduzioni di Alessandro di Afrodisia e il pensiero del Rinascimento”, Humanistica – An International Journal of Early Renaissance Studies, 6, pp. 47-55.

Facca D. (2011). “Il problema della causalità del motore immobile in alcuni aristotelici della fine del XVI secolo”, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce, 55, pp. 123-149.

Facca D. (2020). Early Modern Aristotelianism and the Making of Philosophical Disciplines, Bloomsbury Academic.


Dorota Zygmuntowicz earned her PhD in philosophy from the University of Warsaw in 2000. Since 2011 she has been an associate professor of ancient philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Currently she leads the Section of the History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.

Research interests:

Greek Philosophy, primarily ancient ethics, politics, and Plato’s political philosophy.

Major publications:

Zygmuntowicz D. (2019), “Lies and Fabrications. The Cognitive Potential of Pseudos in Plato’s Republic”, Folia Philosophica 42/2 , pp. 47‒90. https://

Zygmuntowicz D. (2019), “Thrasymachus of Chalcedon on the Platonic stage,” Journal of Ancient Philosophy 13 (1), pp. 1-39.

Plato, Laws (2017), translated into Polish with commentary by Zygmuntowicz D. Kęty.

Zygmuntowicz D. (2011), Praktyka polityczna: Od Państwa do Praw Platona [Political Practice: From the Republic to the Laws by Plato]. Toruń.



Galia Chimiak is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She is interested in societal self-organisation and international development cooperation. Galia Chimiak is a co-editor-in-chief of VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization, published by Springer Nature. She is the Convenor of the Civil Society Study Group with Development Studies Association Ireland. Since 2004 Galia Chimiak has taught at a number of Polish universities, and has also lectured on aid architecture at Trinity College Dublin in 2013 and 2020. She has also been invited to the Development Education and Awareness Raising Multi-Stakeholder Group with DG DEVCO. Apart from her work in academia, Galia Chimiak has experience working with UNDP in Sarajevo as well as cooperating with the European Commission and a number of national and international NGOs in Poland, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland and other countries. She is fluent in Bulgarian, English and Polish and has working knowledge of Russian and Serbo-Croatian. An applicant to PASIFIC supervised by Galia Chimiak won the fellowship in 2022.

Research interests:

Sociology of international development, sociology of civil society.


Major publications:

Galia Chimiak, 2022, “Humane Resources? The People Behind Polish Civil Society Organizations” in: Resourceful Civil Society. Navigating the Changing Landscapes of Civil Society Organizations, Z. Kravchenko, L. Kings, K. Jezierska (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 217-239

Galia Chimiak, 2021, "The internationalization of Polish civil society elites and their impact on development cooperation policy and practice", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 41 No. 5/6, 748-761.

Galia Chimiak and Bożena Cierlik (eds.), 2020. Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination: Living near Dragons, Newcastle upon Tyne

Galia Chimiak, 2016, The Growth of Non-Governmental Development Organisations and Their Cooperation with Polish Aid, Warsaw


Jagna Brudzińska is a professor of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, where she is heads the Research Group “Philosophical Anthropology and Social Philosophy“. At the Husserl-Archive of the University of Cologne she is Research Fellow and editor of the critical edition of Edmund Husserl’s last work Experience and Judgment for the book series Husserliana. She is also a professional psychologist working in the area of psychoanalysis and qualitative research.


Research interests:

Husserlian phenomenology, modern theory of subjectivity, theoretical psychology, psychoanalysis, and social theory.


Major publications:

Brudzińska J. (2019). Bi-Valenz der Erfahrung. Assoziation, Imaginäres und Trieb in der Genesis der Subjektivität  bei Husserl und Freud, Springer.

Brudzińska J. (2019). “Imitation and Individuation” The Creative Power of Phantasy”, Social Imaginaries, Special Issue “On creative imagination“, No. 10/2019, 81-95.

Brudzińska J. (2019). “L'expérience antéprédicative et les origines de la logique”. In: Husserl. Phénomenologie et fondements des sciences, ed. Julien Frages, Dominique Pradelle, Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 63-83.

Brudzińska J. (2017). “Erfahrung und Urteil“, in: Husserl-Handbuch. Leben–Werk–Wirkung. Ed. S. Luft / M. Wehrle. J.B. Metzler: Stuttgart, 104-113.

Brudzińska J. (co-editor), (2011). Founding Psychoanalysis Phenomenologically: A Phenomenological Theory of Subjectivity and the Psychoanalytical Experience. Springer.


Katarzyna Andrejuk is an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Her professional interests include multiculturalism, migrations, European Union and Europeanisation. She obtained her PhD degrees in sociology (from the University of Warsaw) and law (from the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences). She also studied at Queen Mary University of London (LLM). Her DSc (habilitation) in sociology explored the significance of Ukrainian migrant entrepreneurship in Poland (“Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Poland: Structure and agency in the settlement process“, IFIS PAN, Warsaw 2017). She was a principal investigator of research projects about immigrant entrepreneurship in Poland and about labour market adaptation of Turkish migrants. She has worked as a visiting scholar at the European University Institute in Florence (Migration Policy Institute), Herder Institute in Marburg, and Helsinki University (Ruralia Institute).


Research interests:

Migration, European studies, migrants on the labour market, student mobility.


Major publications:

Andrejuk K. (2019). “Ukrainian Immigrants and Entrepreneurship Drain: Towards a Concept of Governance Induced Migration”, 2019 (vol. 3), online first. East European Politics and Societies DOI: 10.1177/0888325419835018 [online first].

Andrejuk K. (2018). “Entrepreneurial strategies as a response to discrimination: Experience of Ukrainian women in Poland from the intersectional perspective”, Anthropological Notebooks vol. 24(3)/2018, 25–40.

Andrejuk K. (2018). “What makes a ‘good immigrant’? Perception of ideal migrants and unwanted foreigners in the ESS 2014”, In: F. Sztabinski, P. Sztabinski, H. Domański (eds), New Uncertainties and Anxieties in Europe: Seven Waves of the European Social , Peter Lang.

Andrejuk K. (2017). “Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 43(4), pages 560-577, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249050.

Andrejuk K. (2017). Przedsiębiorcy ukraińscy w Polsce – Struktura i sprawstwo w procesie osiedlenia [Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Poland: Structure and agency in the settlement process], IFiS PAN Publishers, Warsaw.

Andrejuk K. (2016). “Vietnamese in Poland: How does ethnicity affect immigrant entrepreneurship?”, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, , vol. 25(4), pages 379-400, DOI: 10.1177/0117196816673843.

Andrejuk K. (2011). “Polish students at London universities and their attitudes towards the Polish diaspora in the UK”, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny nr 1/2011.

Photo: Veikko Somerpuro


Małgorzata Rajtar is an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the founder and head of the Rare Disease Social Research Center (RDSRC). Drawing from medical anthropology, medical sociology, bioethics, Science and Technology Studies, and studies on disabilities, among others, the RDSRC aims at conducting interdisciplinary and comparative qualitative research on rare and chronic diseases. Website:

Currently, she is the PI of the project “An Anthropology of Rare Diseases. A Study of the Baltic Sea Region,” funded by the National Science Center in Poland (Grant no. 2017/26/E/HS3/00291). Previously, she carried out ethnographic research with Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany. She was an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany. Between 2018 and 2019, she was a EURIAS Senior Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki in Finland (funding: the EURIAS Fellowship Programme and the European Commission MSCA–COFUND Programme–FP7).


Research interests:

Sociocultural anthropology; medical anthropology; medical sociology; biomedicine; rare and chronic disorders; religion and health; STS, (bio)ethics.


Major publications:

Rajtar, M. 2019. Normalised Eating and Dietary Guidelines in LCHAD Deficiency. Ethnologia Polona 40: 91-108. 

Rajtar, M. 2018. Relational autonomy, care, and Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany. Bioethics 32(3): 184-192. 

Rajtar, M. 2017. O (nie)naturalności jedzenia. Pokarmy i technologie biomedyczne w chorobach metabolicznych [On the (Un)Naturalness of Eating: Foods and Biomedical Technologies in Metabolic Disorders]. Lud 101: 383-400. 

Rajtar, M. 2016. Health care reform and Diagnosis Related Groups in Germany: The mediating role of Hospital Liaison Committees for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Social Science & Medicine 166: 57-65. 

Penkala-Gawęcka, D., M. Rajtar (eds.). 2016. Special Issue Medical Pluralism and Beyond,” Anthropology & Medicine 23(2). 

Rajtar, M. 2013. Bioethics and religious bodies. Refusal of blood transfusions in Germany. Social Science & Medicine 98: 271-277. 

Peperkamp, E., M. Rajtar (eds.). 2010. Religion and the Secular in Eastern Germany, 1945 to the Present. Leiden-Boston: Brill.


Marcin Miłkowski is an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, where he is chair of the Section for Logic and Cognitive Science. For his Explaining the Computational Mind (MIT Press 2013), he received the Tadeusz Kotarbiski Prize from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Science Center Award. Recipient of the Herbert A. Simon Award for significant contributions in the foundations of computational neuroscience. In 2015, awarded a major grant from Poland’s National Science Center under the SONATA BIS program: “Cognitive Science in Search of Unity”. Since 2017, he has been an associate editor of the European Journal for Philosophy of Science. Since 2020, deputy chair of the Committee on Philosophical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences.


Research interests:

Philosophy of cognitive science, mechanistic explanation, computationalism, theory in cognitive science, theoretical unification.


Major publications:

Litwin P., Miłkowski M. (2020). “Unification by Fiat: Arrested Development of Predictive Processing”, Cognitive Science, doi: 10.1111/cogs.12867.

Miłkowski M., Nowakowski P. (2020). “Representational unification in cognitive science: Is embodied cognition a unifying perspective?”, Synthese, doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02445-w.

Miłkowski M., Hohol M., Hensel W.M. (2018). “Replicability or reproducibility? On the replication crisis in computational neuroscience and sharing only relevant detail” Journal of Computational Neuroscience, doi: 10.1007/s10827-018-0702-z.

Gładziejewski P., Miłkowski M. (2017). “Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors”, Biology & Philosophy (32), doi: 10.1007/s10539-017-9562-6.

Miłkowski M. (2013). Explaining the Computational Mind.


Mikołaj Olszewski has worked at the Institute Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences since 1991, since 2010 as a professor at the Department of the History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. He has lectured on the history of medieval theology at the Dominican Studium Generale in Kraków. He specializes in the History of Late Medieval Thought (mainly in philosophy and theology), and it also active as an editor of medieval Latin texts.


Major publications:

Olszewski M. (2010). Dominican Theology at the Crossroads: A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis (Aschendorff: Münster).

Olszewski M. (2014). Quaestiones de productione rerum, de imagine, de anima e schola bonaventuriana (Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini: Roma).

Olszewski M., Matthaeus de Cracovia (2016). Rationale divinorum operum. Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego: Warsaw.


Paweł Dybel is a professor (since 2002) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. In 1988-1989 he spent a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Heidelberg and Institute of Sciences of Man in Vienna (Alexander von Humboldt scholarship). In 1990–2018 he was a visiting professor at Humboldt University (Berlin), Bremen University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Siegen, and others. A multiple fellow of DAAD, DFG. In 2001–2002 he was a lecturer at the University at Buffalo (the Kosciuszko Foundation).


Research interests:

Modern philosophy, psychoanalytical theories, political philosophy.


Major publications:

Dybel P. (2019). Psychoanalytische Brocken – Philosophische Essays, Würzburg

Dybel P. (2016). Psychoanalysis – The Promised Land? Berlin.

Dybel P. (2013). Modernity versus Postmodernity: Various Aspects of the Problem of Periodization. In: (eds. L. Koczanowicz, D. Schauffler) Discussing Modernity: A Dialogue with Martin Jay, Rodopi Amsterdam New York, 115-125.


Urszula Jarecka is a sociologist of culture, an associate professor and head of the Theory of Culture Unit at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. Since 1998 she has been teaching the sociology of culture, sociology of media and sociology of war at various Polish universities, e.g. 1998-2001 at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan; 2001-2003 at the Institute of Polish Culture (University of Warsaw); 2006-2014 at the American Studies Center (University of Warsaw); 2009-2016 at the University of National Defense, Warszawa-Rembertów. She is a specialist in media and visual culture studies. Her sphere of interest includes topics such as technological aspects of changes in contemporary culture, and the development of convergence culture, visions of history in media, and visual aspects of social and cultural phenomena (e.g. consumer behavior, leisure time activities, everyday life in major cities, etc.). She is interested in the methods of research used in visual anthropology. She has presented her findings at numerous national and international conferences and workshops, and is the author of numerous articles and books, mainly in Polish.


Research interests:

Media, culture, visual anthropology, technology, photography.


Major publications:

Jarecka U. (2019). Niezamierzone konsekwencje rozwoju technologii w kulturze wizualnej (Unintended consequences of technological development in visual culture], Warszawa: IFIS PAN Publishing.

Jarecka U. (2016, 2018). Wounded Memory. Rhetorical Strategy Used in Public Discourse on the Katyń Massacre. In: Braganca M., P. Tame (Eds.) The Long Aftermath. Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016. New York – Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Jarecka U. (2016).  Luxury – Polish style. In:  Kołodziej K., M. Komornicka (Eds.) Money to Burn: Visual Representations and Experience. Warszawa: Zachęta - Narodowe Centrum Sztuki. (

Jarecka U. (2013). Luksus w szarej codzienności. Społeczno-moralne konteksty konsumpcji [Luxury in everyday life: Social and moral contexts of consumption]. Warszawa: Wyd. IFIS PAN.

@ 0000-0001-6504-7684 (ORCID)

Valentina Lepri is a professor of the history of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. After obtaining her PhD from the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento in Florence, she was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, at the University of Warsaw and at the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies – Villa i Tatti. She has been also awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship and a senior Fernand Braudel Fellow for the Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute. She is currently the principal investigator of the ERC Consolidator grant project “From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620)”, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020.

Research interests:

Intellectual history, Renaissance, knowledge production,                   cultural transfer.

Major publications:

Lepri V. (2019). Knowledge Transfer and the Early Modern University: Statecraft and Philosophy at the Akademia Zamojska (1595-1627), Leiden, Brill.

Lepri V. (2015). Layered Wisdom. Early Modern Collections of Political Precepts, Padua, Cleup.

Lepri V., Severini M. E. (2011). Viaggio e metamorfosi di un testo: I “Ricordi” di Francesco Guicciardini tra XVI e XVII secolo, Geneva, Droz.

Dorota Hall is a cultural anthropologist and sociologist, Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS, and President of the International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association (ISORECEA). She has cooperated with numerous academic institutions in Europe, e.g. University of Bremen (Germany), and evaluated research projects for many granting agencies, including National Science Center in Poland, German Academic Exchange Service, Czech Science Foundation. Hall has collaborated with NGOs working for human rights and combined her academic activity with the engagement in policy-oriented expert networks, e.g. the FRANET network established by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Network of Socio-economic Experts in the Anti-discrimination Field established by the European Commission.

Research interests:

sociology/anthropology of religion, gender, sexualities; marginalisation; qualitative research; new spiritualities

Major publications:

Hall D. (2020) Geographical Mobility, Sexual Identities and Personal Stories: Complexities of LGBT Christians’ Activism in Poland. In: S.J. Page and A.K.T. Yip (eds) Intersecting Religion and Sexuality: sociological perspectives, Leiden: Brill, pp. 122–144. DOI: 10.1163/9789004390713_008

Hall D. (2020) Shifting Silences: Changes in Living Religion and Homosexuality in Poland between 1970s and 2010s, Intersections – East European Journal of Society and Politics 6(3): 33–52. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v6i3.627

Hall D. (2017) Religion and Homosexuality in the Public Domain: Polish debates about reparative therapy, European Societies 19(5): 600–622. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2017.1334947

Hall D. (2016) W poszukiwaniu miejsca: chrześcijanie LGBT w Polsce [Searching for a Place: LGBT Christians in Poland], Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.

Hall D. (2007) New Age w Polsce: lokalny wymiar globalnego zjawiska [New Age in Poland: the local dimension of the global phenomenon], Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.


Rafal Smoczynski is a sociologist, associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interest focuses on social control, migration, sociology of religion, social theory, sociology of markets. His publications were included in, e.g., Oxford University Press, de Gruyter, Ethnic and Racial Studies, East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, Polish Sociological Review, Czech Sociological Review. He was involved in research projects funded by, e.g., EU 6FP, Research Council of Norway, DAAD, National Sciences Centre (Poland), Visegrad Fund, the Korea Foundation. He also acted as a visiting scholar at, e.g., Monash University, the University of Portland, Seoul National University, London School of Economics, Ferdowsi University, National Dong Hwa University.


Research Interests:

Social control, migration, sociology of religion, social theory, sociology of markets


Major Publications:

Gressgard, R., Smoczynski. 2020. „Noble Polish Sexuality and the Corrupted European Body”, Intersections 6(3): 16-32

Kyei, R., Smoczynski, R. 2019. “Religious citizenship and gendered sanctions in the lived experience of second-generation Ghanaians”, Social Compass 66(4): 505-521

Smoczynski, R. 2018.  “Rethinking the role of the intelligentsia habitus in the case of Polish workers in the north of England”, Polish Sociological Review 3(203): 375-389

Smoczynski, R., Fitzgerald, I., Zarycki, T. 2017. „Social distance practices among Polish migrants in the UK”, Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(6): 951-968

Smoczyński, R. 2016. „Mapping new research directions in the sociology of moral panic”, Studia Socjologiczne 3 (222): 9-30