Supervisors from Institute of Polish Language



Krzysztof Nowak earned his PhD in classics from the Jagellonian University with a thesis applying textology and cognitive poetics to Latin grammatical commentaries. Since 2015 he has been an assistant professor at the Department of Medieval Latin of the Institute of the Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences, where he has been working as a lexicographer on the Dictionary of Polish Medieval Latin (Lexicon mediae et infimae Latinitatis Polonorum). In his research he focuses on historical lexical semantics, in particular on semantic change and conceptual metaphor. Since 2017 he has been employing distributional semantic models to investigate Medieval Latin metaphors. He has published corpus-based and quantitative studies of single lexemes and metaphoric domains, as well as practice-based papers on building electronic corpora and dictionaries. In parallel to his research work, he has been developing tools for computational analysis of Medieval Latin vocabulary. He is currently leading the project eFontes: Electronic Corpus of Polish Medieval Latin ( He is also a collaborator of the project Długosz 2.0: Electronic Corpus and Tools of Linguistic Analysis where he supervises manual and automatic PoS, NER and semantic annotation, and is responsible for quantitative analyses of the work of Jan Długosz.


Research interests:

Medieval Latin, corpus and computational linguistics, semantic change, metaphor and metonymy.


Major publications:

Nowak K. (2019). “Tempus mutatur: analysing collocations of tempus ‘time’ with distributional semantic models” In: Nigel Holmes, Marijke Ottink, Josine Schrickx, Maria Selig (Eds.), Words and Sounds, 69–85. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Bon B., Nowak K., Vangone, L. (2019). “Challenges of Mass OCR-Isation of Medieval Latin Texts in a Resource-Limited Project”, DATeCH2019: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage, 81-85.

Nowak K., Bon B. (2018). „Autour de Liber : Étude (e-)Lexicographique’’ In : Imago Libri: Représentations Carolingiennes Du Livre, edited by Charlotte Denoël, Anne-Orange Poilpré, and Sumi Shimahara, 27–38. Bibliologia, vol. 47. Turnhout: Brepols.

Nowak K. (2016). “Tempus in Polish Medieval Latin. A conceptual metaphor approach”, ALMA 74, 111-125.

Nowak K. (2015). “Language Change in the Dictionary of Polish Medieval Latin”, ALMA 73, 309-319.


Prof. Maciej Eder has been involved in several research projects on computer-assisted text analysis and related fields. His main field of interest is authorship attribution based on quantitative analysis of style. Specifically, he has been critically re-examining already-existent authorship attribution methods, in order to assess their applicability to different languages, different genres, and different sample sizes. Other interests include quantitative linguistics (including developing mathematical models of language change), information retrieval, deep learning as applied to natural language, and similar topics.


Research interests:

Computer-assisted text analysis, authorship attribution, stylometry, quantitative linguistics, digital humanities.


Major publications:

Eder M. (2018). “Elena Ferrante: a virtual author”, In Tuzzi, A. and Cortelazzo, M. A. (eds), Drawing Elena Ferrante’s Profile. Padova: Padova University Press, pp. 31–45,

Woźniak M., Wołos A., Modrzyk U., Górski R. L., Winkowski J., Bajczyk M., Szymkuć S., Grzybowski B., Eder M. (2018). “Linguistic measures of chemical diversity and the ‘keywords’ of molecular collections”, Scientific Reports, 8(1), 7598,

Eder M. (2017). “Visualization in stylometry: cluster analysis using networks”, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 32(1): 50-64.

Eder M. (2016). “Rolling stylometry”, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 31(3): 457-469.

Eder M. (2016). “A bird’s eye view of early modern Latin: distant reading, network analysis and style variation” In: M. Ullyot, D. Jakacki, and L. Estill (eds.), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn. Toronto and Tempe: Iter and ACMRS, pp. 63-89 (New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, vol. 6).

Eder M. (2015). “In search of the author of “Chronica Polonorum” ascribed to Gallus Anonymous:
A stylometric reconnaissance”, Acta Poloniae Historica, 112: 5-23.

Eder M. (2013). “Mind your corpus: systematic errors in authorship attribution”, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(4): 603-14.


Prof. Michał Rzepiela is the editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of Polish Medieval Latin (Lexicon mediae et infimae Latinitatis Polonorum). His scientific interest focuses on word-formation and phraseology in medieval Latin, on editing Latin medieval texts as well as digital humanities. At present he also is coordinator of the project “Długosz 2.0. Elektroniczny korpus i narzędzia analizy języka Jana Długosza” [Electronic Corpus and the Tools of the Analysis of the Language of Jan Długosz], dealing with the works of a fifteenth-century Polish chronicler. He is at present deputy director of the Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPL PAS) in Kraków.


Research interests:

Word-formation, phraseology in medieval Latin, editing of Latin medieval texts, digital humanities.


Major publications:

Rzepiela M. (2020). “Interaction Among Borrowing, Inflection and Word Formation in Polish Medieval Latin” [in:] The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, eds. Pius ten Hacken & Renata Panocová, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 259-278.

Rzepiela M. (2019). “Word-formation type, its reinterpretations, and possible equivalents”, SKASE vol. 16, No.1, pp. 130-145.

Rzepiela M. (2011). « La phraséologie juridique dans les textes médiévaux – l’influence du polonais » [in:] Influencias léxicas de otras lenguas en el latín médiéval, ed. M. Peréz, León, pp. 263-272.


Rafał Górski received his PhD as well as his DSc (habilitation) from the Institute of the Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences. He is one the creators of the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP). His main scientific interests of are corpus-based studies of grammar, with a special focus on syntax and frequency effects in grammatical productivity. Another field of his scientific activity is quantitative modeling of diachronic change.


Research interests:

Corpus-based studies of grammar, syntax and frequency effects in grammatical productivity.


Major publications:

Górski R.L., Król M., Eder, M. (2019). Zmiana w języku: Studia kwantytatywno-korpusowe [Change in Language: Quantitative-Corpus Studies]. Kraków: IJP PAN.

Górski R.L., Król M. (2018). “Polish adverbial perfect participles: A corpus-based study” In: Wojciech Guz, Bogdan Szymanek (red.): Canonical and non-canonical structures in Polish. Studies in Linguistics And Methodology 12, 55-70.

Górski R.L. (2008). Diateza nacechowana w polszczyźnie. Studium korpusowe. Kraków: Lexis.