Supervisors from Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development

Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development


Since 2020 is a Assistant Professor at the Department of European Integration, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy of Sciences. He is a managing editor of the Village and Agriculture Quarterly. Dudek received a PhD in economics from the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics-National Research Institute (IAFE-NRI) in Warsaw. For several years he worked at the IAFE-NRI (Department of Social and Regional Policy). He holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology and Political Science form the University of Warsaw and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Analysis from the Warsaw School of Economics.

Research interest:

farm succession, human capital in agriculture and in rural areas, CAP EU, regional and cohesion policy, economic sociology

Major publications:

Dudek, M., Wojewodzic, T. (2021). Does a Demographic Crisis Threaten European and Polish Agriculture?, Village and Agriculture 1 (190), pp. 97–117. doi: 10.53098/wir012021/05.

Dudek, M., Wrzaszcz, W. (2020). On the way to eco-innovations in agriculture: concepts, implementation and effects at national and local level. The case of Poland, Sustainability 12(12), 4839, doi:10.3390/su1212483.

Sroka, W., Dudek, M., Wojewodzic, T., Król, K. (2019). Generational changes in agriculture: the influence of farm characteristics and socio-economic factors, Agriculture 9(12), 264,


Ruta Śpiewak, holds PhD in social sciences, sociologist. Working at IRWiR since 2006. She has  conducted research on the meaning of high-quality food in rural development, as well as the role of alternative food networks in changing the food system. She participated in number of scientific research in Poland and the USA, as well as in applied research. Among others:

Organic farming as a factor of rural development.

Quality turn? Meanings of food behaviors among food producers and consumers in Alternative Food Networks.

Social structure of rural communities in Poland.

Co-author of the European report: Towards a Sustainable Food System. Written under the European Mechanism of Scientific Advisers (SAM). Scholarship holder of Ruralia Institute (Finladnia) and Ostrom Workshop (Indiana, USA)

Research interests:

Food production, alternative food networks, organic farming, regenerative agriculture,

Major publications:

Jackson P., Guadalupe Rivera Ferre M., Candel J., Davies A., Derani C., Vries H., Dragović-Uzelac V., Hoel A., Holm L., Mathijs E., Morone P., Penker M., Śpiewak R., Termeer K. & Thøgersen J. (2021). Food as a commodity, human right or common good. Nature Food 2, 132-134.

Meta Robinson J., Leila Mzali L., Knudsen D, Farmer J., Śpiewak R., Suttles S., Burris M., Shattuck A., Valliant J., Babb A. (2021). Food after the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Case for Change Posed by Alternative Food: A Case Study of the American Midwest. Global Sustainability. Published online by Cambridge University Press.

Bilewicz A., Śpiewak R., Beyond the "Northern" and "Southern" divide. Food and Space in Polish Consumer Cooperatives East European Politics & Societies and Cultures.

Milczarek-Andrzejewska D., Śpiewak R. (2018). Farmer's associations: their resources and chanells of influence. Evidence from Poland. Sociologia Ruralis.

Since 2021 Barbara Wieliczko is an associate professor at Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development PAS, Department of European Integration. Wieliczko received PhD in 2009 at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute in Warsaw, where she worked in the years 2002-2020 at the Department of Finance and Risk Management. Since 2010 she is also an analyst at the Commission for Foreign and EU Affairs of the Polish Senate. She is an active member of an association European Rural Development Network, in which she chairs revision commission. She participated in several international and national research projects related to rural development, agriculture and EU integration.

Research interests:

Rural development, agricultural policy, evaluation of public policies, future studies, sustainability transition, food systems, circular economy, bio-economy, EU integration.

Major publications:

Wieliczko B., Kurdyś-Kujawska A., Floriańczyk Z. (2021), EU Rural Policy’s Capacity to Facilitate a Just Sustainability Transition of the Rural Areas, Energies 14(16), 5050. DOI: 10.3390/en14165050

Wieliczko B., Kurdyś-Kujawska A.,  Sompolska-Rzechuła A. (2020) Savings of Small Farms: Their Magnitude, Determinants and Role in Sustainable Development. Example of Poland. Agriculture 10, 525. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture10110525

Wieliczko B. (2020), Suitability of complexity economics for long-term agricultural policy-making Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej  264(3), 18-30. DOI: 10.30858/zer/125793

Wieliczko B. (2019), Challenges of European Integration – to What Extent Should the Common Agricultural Policy Stay Common, Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia 2(21), 97-110. DOI: 10.15678/AOC.2019.2105

Wieliczko B., Kurdyś-Kujawska A., Sompolska-Rzechuła A. (2019), Investment behavior of the Polish farms – is there any evidence for the necessity of policy changes? Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 20 No. 4, 2019, s. 1292-1301. DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/20.4.2227