Supervisors from Institute of Slavic Studies




Anna Engelking is a cultural anthropologist and a professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS) in Warsaw. Her main fields of interest are the anthropology and memory of the Belarusian village and the history of Polish ethnology. Since the early 1990s she has conducted field research in Belarus and its northern and southern borderlands. She is the author of two monographs: Klątwa (The Curse), 2000, English edition 2017, and Kołchoźnicy (Kolkhozniks), 2012, as well as several dozen scientific articles concerning topics including the collective identity and memory of Belarusian kolkhozniks, problems of language and cultural borderlands, the history of ethnological research in interwar Poland and the life and works of the eminent, forgotten Polish anthropologist Józef Obrębski (whose works she has edited and published). Recently her research concerns the folk memory of the Holocaust in Belarus and Ukraine; she is also the co-author of articles on forgotten prewar Jewish-Polish ethnologists from Vilnius.


Research interests:

History of anthropology, anthropology of Belarus, folk memory.


Major publications:

Engelking A. (2020). Józef Obrębski, Macedonia 1: Giaurowie Macedonii. Opis magii i religii pasterzy z Porecza na tle zbiorowego życia ich wsi, Studia etnosocjologiczne, t. 2; Macedonia 2: Czarownictwo Porecza Macedońskiego, Mit i rzeczywistość u Słowian Południowych, [Rozproszone teksty epickie i liryczne. Zapisy terenowe], Struktura społeczna i rytuał we wsi macedońskiej, Studia etnosocjologiczne, t. 2, ed. Engelking A., Rękas J., Upalevski I., Warsaw,

Engelking A. (2018). “Сказ полесского села, или о фольклоризация памяти о Второй мировой войне”, Славяноведение, no 6, pp. 27-46, DOI: 10.31857/S0869544X0001763-2 ISSN 0869-544X.

Engelking A. (2012). Kołchoźnicy. Antropologiczne studium tożsamości wsi białoruskiej przełomu XX i XXI wieku, Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Press.

Engelking A. (2010).  Klątwa. Rzecz o ludowej magii słowa. Second revised and expanded edition. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa; English edition: Engelking A. (2017) The Curse: On the Folk Magic of the Word, transl. Anna Gutowska. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Joanna Goszczyńska is a full Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). She is a Bohemist and Slovakist in the field of literary studies and cultural studies. Her publications include monographs devoted to the myth of Janosik, Slovak messianism and Slovak national-creating processes, as well as translations of Czech and Slovak literature. In 2008-2016 she served as director of the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw.


Research interests:

The history of ideas, the problems of national identity, national mythology as well as Czech and Slovak interwar literature and its cultural conditions (links with European modernism).


Major publications:

Goszczyńska J. (2015). The great disputes of a small nation. Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa.

Goszczyńska J. (2008). Sons of the word: Thought in Slovak Romantic literature. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.

Goszczyńska J. (2001). Janosik’s myth in folklore and Slovak literature of the 19th century. Warsaw: Institute of Slavonic Philology at the University of Warsaw.


Katarzyna Kotyńska has been affiliated with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS) since 2006, as a professor of Ukrainian culture and literature since 2016. She earned her PhD (2005) and then DSc (habilitation, 2016) from the University of Warsaw. In 2009–2015 she was an assistant professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


Research interests:

Ukrainian literature, literary translation, anthropology of literature.


Major publications:

Kotyńska K. (2015). Lwów: O odczytywaniu miasta na nowo. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury.

Kotyńska K. (2020). “From Intellectual Trends to a Business Model: Habsburg Monarchy in Modern Ukrainian Culture”, In: Baran-Szołtys M., Wierzejska J. (Eds.) Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag.


Ryszard Grzesik heads the Department of History at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS) since 2006, and has chaired the Academic Council at the Institute since 2012. He earned his MA from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in 1988, and has been working at ISS PAS since then. He spent the academic year 1993/1994 at the Department of Medieval Studies of the Central European University in Budapest. He earned his PhD in 1995, became an assistant professor in 2004, and he has been a full professor since 2016.


Research interests:

Medieval history of Central Europe; Hungarian-Polish relations; medieval chronicles and source criticism.


Major publications:

Grzesik R. (2016). Mittelalterliche Chronistik in Ostmitteleuropa, in: Handbuch: Chroniken des Mittelalters, ed. Gerhard Wolf and Norbert H. Ott. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter.

Grzesik R. (2016). Testimonia najdawniejszych dziejów Słowian. Seria łacińska, vol. 1: Starożytność. Pisarze najdawniejsi, transl., ed. A. Kotłowska and R. Grzesik. Poznań-Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS. Open Access:

Grzesik R. (2014). Hungaria – Slavia – Europa Centralis. Studia z dziejów środkowoeuropejskiej kultury we wczesnym średniowieczu. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Grzesik R. (2003). Polska Piastów i Węgry Arpadów we wzajemnej opinii (do 1320 roku). Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Grzesik R. (1999). Kronika węgiersko-polska. Z dziejów polsko-węgierskich kontaktów kulturalnych w średniowieczu. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk.


Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska is an anthropologist and sociolinguist, employed at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS) since 2010 – currently as an associate professor. She earned her PhD at the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw, where she participated in a research group on linguistic anthropology. She is interested in the issues of European minority languages and communities, their transmission, media and methods of protection and revitalization. She has undertaken sociolinguistic and anthropological fieldwork in Kashubia (Poland), Lusatia (Germany), Brittany (France) and Wales. Her research has been supported by UNESCO (2006), the Foundation for the Polish Science (2010), Poland’s National Science Center (2011-2014; 2017-2020), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2012-2015), and the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (2018-2019).


Research interests:

Sociolinguistics, minority languages and communities, multilingualism, language revitalisation.


Major publications:

Dołowy-Rybińska N. (2020). “Informal bilingual teachers’ language practices and the consequences on pupils’ language choices in a situation of unequal bilingualism: The case of an Upper Sorbian education system”, Multilingua. Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication.

Dołowy-Rybińska N. (2018). “Learning Upper Sorbian: The problems with minority language education for non-native pupils in the Upper Sorbian Grammar School in Bautzen/Budyšin”, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21, pp. 1-16.

Dołowy-Rybińska N.  (2017). Nikt za nas tego nie zrobi”: Praktyki językowe i kulturowe młodych aktywistów języków mniejszościowych Europy. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK. [English language version (2020). “No One Will Do This For Us”: The Linguistic and Cultural Practices of Young Activists Representing European Linguistic Minorities. Peter Lang].

Dołowy-Rybińska N.  Hornsby M. (2017). “Language ideologies and minority language education: Lessons from Brittany for Kashubia”, European Review, 26(1), pp. 1-15.

Dołowy-Rybińska N. (2016). “Language attitudes and community engagement: Diwan – The Breton immersion high school through the eyes of its pupils”, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 15(5), pp. 280-292.

Ewa Golachowska is an associate professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). She studied at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, then earned her PhD from the Institute in 2006, and her DSc (habilitation) in 2014. She has been a coordinator of numerous Polish-Belarusian joint research projects and currently is coordinating the Belarusian and Polish confession lexis project.


Research interests:

Polish-East Slavic border, sociolinguistics, language and identity relationships, language of religion.


Major publications:

Golachowska E. (2020). Conversations with God, Peter Lang Publishing Group.

Golachowska E. (2012). Jak mówić do Pana Boga? Wielojęzyczność katolików na Białorusi na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Golachowska E. (2006). Język i kultura mieszkańców wsi włościańskich i szlacheckich dawnej ziemi drohickiej na Podlasiu. Studium socjolingwistyczne. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska has been an associate professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS) since 2008. In 1999-2003 she was employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok. She earned her PhD from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz in 1999 and completed her DSc (habilitation) at the Institute of Slavic Studies, PAS in 2008.


Research interests:

Slavic dialectology, Polish-East Slavic linguistic contacts, dialect lexicography.


Major publications:

Rembiszewska D. K. (co-author), (2018). Pogranicze polsko-wschodniosłowiańskie: Studia wyrazowe. Warsaw: Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw Press.

Rembiszewska D. K. (co-author), (2015). Różnojęzyczne słownictwo gwarowe Podlasia, Suwalszczyzny i północno-wschodniego Mazowsza. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Rembiszewska D. K. (co-author), (2007, 2009, 2012). Atlas gwar wschodniosłowiańskich Białostocczyzny, vol. IX, X, IV. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Joanna Roszak is a professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). Her field of research includes: peace studies, peace education, contemporary Polish poetry, the Jewish fate, geopoetics. Her recently published books include a volume about German-speaking poets of Jewish heritage (Miejsce i imię: Poeci niemieckojęzyczni żydowskiego pochodzenia), a book about the synagogue in her home town (Słyszysz? Synagoga) and Żuraw z origami: Opowieść o Józefie Rotblacie. She is vice-president of the Joseph Rotblat Foundation.


Research interests:

Peace studies, peace education, contemporary Polish poetry, the Jewish fate, geopoetics.


Major publications:

Roszak J. (2019). Żuraw z origami: Opowieść o Józefie Rotblacie. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Roszak J. (2015). Słyszysz? Synagoga. Lublin–Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS – Ośrodek “Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN.

Roszak J. (2014). Miejsce i imię: Poeci niemieckojęzyczni żydowskiego pochodzenia. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.


Roman Roszko is an associate professor (since 2004) at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). He is a linguist, the author/co-author of six monographs, the editor-in-chief of the journal Cognitive Studies | Etudes cognitives, and ISS PAS’s Coordinator for the Polish Clarin-PL infrastructure. He cooperates with numerous research centers in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. He has held one-year scientific internships in Bulgaria and Lithuania. He has been a guest lecturer at the universities of Kaunas, St. Petersburg, Saul, Sofia and Vilnius. He is a co-author of four volumes of Bulgarian-Polish contrastive grammar, co-creator of the multilingual corps of Slavic and Baltic languages ​​Clarin-PL. He builds multilingual translation memories and glossaries (legal, film, medical, chemical terminology, power engineering, petrochemical industry, etc.) and conducts synchronous research on Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian languages ​​in the areas of modality, temporality, definiteness-indeterminacy, quantity and others. In contrastive research, he uses the methodology of theoretical research with a semantic intermediary language. He is also a translator (of Lithuanian and Russian).


Research interests:

Corpus linguistics, synchronic contrastive studies of Slavic and Baltic languages, semantics.


Major publications:

Roszko D., Roszko R. (2018). “Polsko-litewskie korpusy IS PAN i CLARIN-PL [Polish-Lithuanian Parallel Corpus ISS PAS & Clarin-PL]”, Prace Bałtystyczne, vol. 7., pp. 185–206.

Koseska V., Roszko R. (2009). “Semantic Interlanguage and Contrastive Studies”, In: V. Koseska-Toszewa, L. Dimitrova, R. Roszko (Eds.) Representing Semantics in Digital Lexicography. Innovative Solutions for Lexical Entry Content in Slavic Lexicography. MONDILEX Fourth Open Workshop. Warszawa, Poland, 29 June – 1 July, 2009 Proceedings, pp. 7–15. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Koseska-Toszewa V., Korytkowska M., Roszko R. (2007). Polsko-bułgarska gramatyka konfrontatywna. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Dialog”.

Roszko R. (2004). Semantyczna kategoria określoności/nieokreśloności w języku litewskim (w zestawieniu z językiem polskim) [Semantic category of definiteness / in definiteness in Lithuanian (in comparison with Polish). Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.


Grażyna Szwat-Gyłybowa is a Slavist, historian of literature and culture. She earned her PhD and DSc from the University of Warsaw. Since 2006 she has been an associate professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). She was also a lecturer in South-Slavic literatures and cultures at the University of Warsaw (1981-2013). She was the editor-in-chief of the journal Slavia Meridionalis (2006-2019). She is a member of the editorial team of the journals Литературна мисъл (since 2012), Prace Filologiczne: Literaturoznawstwo (2008-2018), Papers of BAS: Humanities & Social Sciences (since 2011). She has managed international research projects conducted jointly by the Institute for Literature BAS, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at BAS, the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Center BAS, and the grant “Migrating ideas in the Slavic Balkans (18th-20th centuries)” (2014/13/B/HS2/01057).


Research interests:

Cultural issues in the Balkans: cultural history of religious movements, history of ideas, processes of formation of national identity among Southern Slavs, issues of civilisational change, politics of memory and remembrance.


Major publications:

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (co-autored, v. 1-9), (2018-2020). Leksykon idei wędrownych na słowiańskich Bałkanach. XVIII-XXI wiek. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (2017). Bogomilism: The Afterlife of the "Bulgarian Heresy”. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (co-author), (2011). Leksykon tradycji bułgarskiej. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (2010). Haeresis bulgarica в българското културно съзнание на XIX i XX век. УИ "Св. Климент Охридски".

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (2005). Haeresis bulgarica w bułgarskiej świadomości kulturowej XIX i XX wieku. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Szwat-Gyłybowa G. (1991). W kręgu bułgarskiej groteski (o twórczości Jordana Radiczkowa). Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Maria Trawińska is an associate professor of linguistics at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS). Her research interests focus on the history of the Polish language, onomastics and paleography. The title of her DSc (habilitation) was Rękopis najstarszej poznańskiej księgi ziemskiej (1386-1400): Wokół analizy filologicznej. Warsaw–Poznań 2014 [Manuscript of the Oldest Poznan Land Book (1386-1400): Towards a Philological Analysis]. She is currently working on an edition of 14th century land books, and also on a historical onomastic glossary.

Research interests:

History of the Polish language, onomastics, historical dialectology, paleography, scholarly editions of 14th century manuscripts.

Major publications:

Trawińska M. (2009). Indeksy do wielkopolskich rot sądowych z XIV i XV wieku. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy.

Trawińska M. (2014). Rękopis najstarszej poznańskiej księgi ziemskiej (1386-1400). Wokół analizy filologicznej. Poznań-Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS.

Trawińska M. (2012). “Z badań nad rękopisem wielkopolskiej księgi: Problem transliteracji”, Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej, pp. 125-135. [Researching the manuscript of the Wielkopolska Land Book: A transliteration problem).

Trawińska M. (2013). “Jak identyfikowano ludzi w średniowiecznych księgach sądowych”, Z polskich studiów slawistycznych, vol. 12, Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 189-194 [On how peoplw ere identified in the medieval manuscript of the Wielkopolska Land Book].

Trawińska M. (2017). „Między nomen appellativum a nomen proprium w poznańskich księgach ziemskich z XIV i XV wieku”, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, pp. 199-206 [Between nomen appellativum and nomen proprium in 14th and 15th century judiciary rots of Greater Poland].   



Helena Krasowska is a sociolinguist and dialectologist. She has been working at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2004. She obtained her PhD in humanities in the field of linguistics in 2004 and a postdoctoral degree in 2013. She deals with national and linguistic minorities, linguistic biographies, cultural borderlands, social and individual memory, Bukovina Karpacka. She conducts field research in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Georgia. Her research has been supported by The Foundation for Polish Science, The National Science Centre, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, The Centre for Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw, The Foundation for "Helping Poles in the East", and The Chancellery of the Prime Minister. She received foreign and domestic awards, including the Silver Cross of Merit (2018). 

Research interests:

Dialectology, sociolinguistics, ethnology, folklore, linguistic and cultural borderlands, national minorities, linguistic minorities, multilingualism, Poles in the East, Bucovina studies 


Krasowska H. (2006). Górale polscy na Bukowinie Karpackiej. Studium socjolingwistyczne i leksykalneWarsaw 2006, pp. 331. 

Krasowska H. (2006). Mniejszość polska na południowo-wschodniej UkrainieSlavic Publishing CentreWarsaw 2012, pp. 435. 

Krasowska H. (2017).  The Polish Minority in South-Eastern Ukraine, Institute of Slavic Studies PAS, Warsaw 2017, pp. 389,  ISBN 978-83-64031-65-6, 

Krasowska H. (2017).  Polskie media w Berdiańsku. Teksty i analizyWarsaw-Berdyansk 2017, pp. 148; ISBN 978-83-945188-2-0, Digital Media Sp. z o.o. (co-author Lech Aleksy Suchomłynow), 

Krasowska H. (2020). Języki mniejszości. Status – prestiż – dwujęzyczność – wielojęzyczność, University of WarsawWarsaw 2020, pp. 219 ISBN 978-83-61325-80-2. 

Krasowska H. (2020). Соціолінгвістичний компендіумPolish Academy of SciencesKiev 2020pp. 336. ISBN 9786177832668 (co-authors Сухомлинов Олексій, Сигеда Петро)


Piotr Sobotka is a linguist, employed at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences since 2019 as an associate professor. He earned his PhD (2007) at the Institute of Polish Language of the University of Warsaw and completed his D.Litt. (habilitation) at the Faculty of Languages of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In 2007–2019 he was employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Languages of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

Research interests:

Theory of language, comparative and historical linguistics, etymology, semantics, syntax, Slavonic studies

Major publications:

Sobotka, P. (2015). Etymologizowanie i etymologia. Od semantyki ontologicznej do etymologii hermeneutycznej. Warszawa: BEL Studio.

Sobotka, P., & Żabowska, M. (2017). Wyodrębnianie, dekodowanie i klasyfikacja historycznych jednostek języka. LingVaria, 24(2), 113–133.

Sobotka, P. (2018). Iście sie ciebie nie zaprzę. Etymologia i rozwój prasłowiańskiego *jьst- i jego derywatów. In J. Chojak & Z. Zaron (Eds.), Ku rzeczom niebłahym (pp. 207–221). Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego–BEL Studio Sp. z o.o.

Sobotka, P. (2018). Zmiany zależności składniowych północnosłowiańskich przymiotników odmiany prostej. Prace Filologiczne, 72, 333–344

Dobaczewski, A., Sobotka, P., & Żurowski, S. (2018). Słownik reduplikacji i powtórzeń polskich. Od zleksykalizowanych podwojeń do regularnych układów repetycyjnych. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.