Supervisors from The Institute of Literary Research



Andrzej Leśniak (born 1978) is an associate professor at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on image theory and architectural humanities. He has published on pictorial semiology, the French philosophy of images, and the work of Rem Koolhaas, among other subjects. As editor of Architektura-Murator magazine, he has curated a cycle of texts devoted to contemporary architectural thought. More recently, he has edited a collection of texts by Rem Koolhaas published in Polish by Centrum Architektury in 2017.


Research interests:

Image theory, architectural humanities.


Major publications:

Leśniak A. (2017). “Images Thinking the Political: On Georges Didi-Huberman's Recent

Works”, Oxford Art Journal, issue 40/2.

Koolhaas, R. (2017). „Rem Koolhaas: śmieciowa przestrzeń”, Teksty (A. Leśniak, G. Piątek, Eds.; M. Wawrzyńczak, Trans.).

Leśniak A. (2013). Ikonofilia – Francuska semiologia pikturalna i obrazy [Iconophilia – French pictorial semiology and images], Warsaw, PAS Institute of Literary Research Press.



Agata Roćko is a literary historian, since 2017 an associate professor at the Department of Enlightenment Literature , the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. As a specialist in the methods of teaching Polish as a foreign language, since 2014 she has served as director of the following Postgraduate Studies programs at IBL: Foreign Language Teaching Studies – the Teaching of Polish as a Second Language (Glottodydaktyka – Nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego) and Cultural Management Within the EU Institutional Structure (Zarządzanie kulturą w strukturach Unii Europejskiej). She has developed the teaching programs for both courses of study while also serving as Director of Second Language Teaching Practices. She is thus responsible for organizing and evaluating the merits and methodology of language classes taught by our students.


Research interests:

The symbolism of dress in eighteenth-century literature and culture, memoirs and diaries of the Saxon and Enlightenment periods with a focus on generic structure and authorial attitudes, eighteenth-century Polish travel writing.


Major publications:

Roćko A. (2015). Kontusz i frak. O symbolice stroju w osiemnastowiecznej literaturze polskiej [The Kontusz and the Frock Coat – On the Symbolism of Dress in Eighteenth-century Polish Literature];

Roćko A. (2001). Pamiętniki polskich zesłańców na Syberię w XVIII wieku [Memoirs of Poles Expelled to Siberia in the 18th Century];

Roćko A. (2005). [co-editor Teresa Kostkiewiczowa], Dwory magnackie w osiemnastym wieku. Rola i znaczenie kulturowe, ed. by T. Kostkiewiczowa & A. Roćko;

Roćko A. (2014). Polski Grand Tour w XVIII i początkach XIX wieku, ed. by A. Roćko.

Joanna Partyka received an MA in Polish Philology and an MA in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Warsaw. She completed her PhD at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. She has been a professor of Renaissance and Baroque Literature and Culture at the PAS Institute of Literary Research since 1986. She leads the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Rhetoric “ProRhetorica” at the Institute. She has held numerous fellowships, leading to stays at universities in cities including London, Oxford, Uppsala, Stockholm, Brussels, Madrid and Lisbon. She has broad teaching experience in Poland and abroad, including five years of PhD courses at the University of Granada, Spain. She has presented papers at over 50 international conferences. Her publishing record includes three monographs and over 70 articles in Polish, Spanish and English. She also translates from Spanish to Polish.


Research interests:

Early modern Polish and Mediterranean culture, early modern para-literary texts, history of women’s writing, rhetoric.


Major publications:

Partyka J. (2019). Między scientia curiosa a encyklopedią. Europejskie konteksty dla staropolskich kompendiów wiedzy [Between scientia curiosa and an encyclopaedia: Old Polish compendia in the European context], Warsaw: IBL Editorial.

Partyka J. (2004). “Żona wyćwiczona”: kobieta pisząca w kulturze XVI i XVII wieku [“An Educated Wife”. Women writers in the Polish culture of the 16th and 17th centuries], Warsaw: IBL Editorial.

Partyka J. (1995). Rękopisy dworu szlacheckiego doby staropolskiej [Old Polish Manuscripts of Noble Estates], Warsaw:  Semper.

Partyka J. (2019). “British Protestants and Women’s Freedom to Write” in: Protestant Majorities and Minorities in Early Modern Europe: Confessional Boundaries and Contested Identities, S. Burton, P. Wilczek, M. Choptiany (eds.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht’s.

Partyka J. (2016). “Rhetoric of (and in) the Early Modern Encyclopaedia” in:  Rhetoric, Discourse and Knowledge, M. Załęska, U. Okulska (eds.), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.


Małgorzata Ciszewska is an associate professor of baroque literature at the Department of Renaissance and Baroque Literature at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2018). She received her PhD in Literature from the University of Warsaw in 2007 and was subsequently appointed adjunct professor at the PAS Institute of Literary Research. In 2017, she received her DSc (habilitation) from the same Institute.

Research interests:

Old Polish oratory, Old Polish manuscript culture, epistolography, archival work, scientific editorship.


Major publications:

Ciszewska M. (2016). Tuliusz domowy. Świeckie oratorstwo szlacheckie kręgu rodzinnego (XVII – XVIII wiek) [Household Tullius: Secular oratory of the nobility in the family circle (17th – 18th century)], Warsaw: IBL Editorial.

Ciszewska M. (2008). Staropolskie szlacheckie oracje weselne. Genologia, obrzęd, źródła [Old Polish wedding speeches of the nobility: Genology, rituals, sources], Warsaw: IBL Editorial.

Barłowska M. Ciszewska M., (Ed.), (2019). Sobieski Jakub. Mowy pogrzebowe [Funeral speeches], Warsaw: IBL Editorial.

@  magdalena



Magdalena Kinga Górska is an art and literary historian, employed since 1996 at the Department of Enlightenment Literature of the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. She became an associate professor in 2019. She earned her MA in art history (1995, Master’s thesis: Emblems in the polychromies of Walenty Żebrowski. Sources and context – two approaches to interpretation, supervisor: Mariusz Karpowicz), PhD in art history (2002, PhD thesis: On the personifications of Poland in art between the 16th and the 18th centuries, supervisor: Mariusz Karpowicz), and DSc (habilitation) in literature (2019, habilitation thesis: On the reception of emblematics in Poland between the 16th and 18th centuries). She is a specialist in the field of emblematics, exploring questions of theory and practice, the reception of emblem books in Polish literature and art, and in political iconography, focusing mainly on graphic art and medals. Her main research interests include visual culture, text-image relations, symbolic language, political imagination, and written sources on the history of Polish iconography (for example compendia of symbols, manuscripts, newspapers, and pamphlets). She has written many articles on the terminology of emblematics and on relations between the emblema genre and rhetoric, hieroglyphics, heraldry, visual poetry and classicism.


Research interests:

Emblem theory, applied emblematics, political iconography 16th-18th centuries.


Major publications:

Górska M. K. (2017). The Protector of Europe: on graphical Theses glorifying Jan III Sobieski, transl. into English A. Górny, Warszawa: the Silva rerum Book Series.

Górska M. K. (2016). In laudes Ioannis Sobiescii. Rękopiśmienny zbiór emblematów z rysunkami Johanna Jakoba Rollosa [The manuscript collection of emblems with drawings by Johann Jakob Rollos], transl. B. Milewska-Waźbińska, preface and ed. M. Górska and B. Milewska Waźbińska, Warszawa; the Silva rerum Book Series.

Górska M. K. (2005). Polonia – Respublica – Patria. Personifikacja Polski w sztuce XVI-XVIII wieku [Personification of Poland in the art of the 16th-18th centuries], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej.

Magdalena Rembowska-Płuciennik is an assistant professor and head of the Department of Historical Poetics at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. She earned her PhD in Literary Studies from the University of Lodz, followed by her DSc (habilitation) degree in the Humanities, from PAS Institute of Literary Research, Warsaw). She is a specialist in the history and theory of literature, primarily narrative studies. She was a visiting fellow at Durham University (UK) and at Clare Hall College, Cambridge University (UK). Her main areas of research are cognitive narratology, cognitive poetics, literary representations of consciousness and the senses, transmedial narrative forms, and empirical reader response studies.

She has published two individual monographs on the history and theory of literature, and co-edited three volumes on Modernism studies and intercultural artistic communication. She has published numerous articles in Polish journals and edited volumes in English. She has experience as both a principal investigator on individual grants and as a coordinator in interdisciplinary research projects.


Research interests:

Cognitive narratology, literary anthropology, history of the senses, Modernism studies, comparative media studies.

Major publications:

Rembowska-Płuciennik  M. (2019). “Second-Person Narration: New Mode of (Mis)understanding the Other?” In: Cognition in Context: New Insights into Language, Culture and the Mind. Ed. by E. Bernárdez, K. Stadnik, J. Jabłońska-Hood.

Rembowska-Płuciennik  M. (2018). “Second-Person Narration as a Joint Action”, Language and Literature, vol. 27, iss. 3.

Rembowska-Płuciennik  M. (2018). “Enacting Embodied Events in Narrative Processing”, Textualia, no 1, iss. 4.

Rembowska-Płuciennik  M. (2012). Poetyka intersubiektywności [Poetics of Intersubjectivity].

Rembowska-Płuciennik  M. (2004). Poetyka i antropologia [Poetics and Anthropology].

Bartłomiej Szleszyński has worked at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences since 2005, first as a research assistant and then from 2007 as an assistant professor. He earned his PhD from the University of Warsaw in 2007 and was awarded a DSc (habilitation) degree from the PAS Institute of Literary Research in 2020. In 2014, he became head of the New Panorama of Polish Literature team, creating and operating NPLP.PL, a platform publishing digital scholarly collections, and TEI.NPLP.PL, a platform for scholarly digital editions. Since 2016 he has been deputy director of the Digital Humanities Center at the Institute, which is responsible for producing digital editions. He has been a member of the Research Data Management DARIAH-EU Working Group since 2020.

Research interests:

Literature of the second half of the nineteenth century, colonial discourse in nineteenth-century Polish culture, literary Sarmatism, digital humanities, scholarly digital editions.

Major publications:

Szleszyński B. (2007). Przymierzanie kontusza. Henryk Rzewuski i Henryk Sienkiewicz – najwybitniejsi twórcy XIX-wiecznego nurtu sarmackiego [Trying on the Kontush: Henryk Rzewuski and Henryk Sienkiewicz, the most notable representatives of the nineteenth-century Sarmatian trend].

Szleszyński B. (2011). Non omnis moriar? Bolesław Prus, wiek XIX i opowieści współczesne, Przerabianie XIX wieku [Non omnis moriar? Bolesław Prus, the nineteenth century and contemporary novels: Rethinking the nineteenth century].

Realiści, realizm, realność [Realists, realism, reality], (Ed. E. Paczoska, B. Szleszyński, D. Osiński).

Ed. E. Paczoska, B. Szleszyński, D. Osiński (2019). Sienkiewicz ponowoczesny [Postmodern Sienkiewicz], (ed. B. Szleszyński, M. Rudkowska).

Marta Zielińska is a professor at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences and chair of its Department of Romantic Literature. She has been a member of the editorial board of the prestigious academic journal Teksty Drugie since 1997.

Research interests:

History of nineteenth-century literature, the history of Warsaw, and scholarly editing.

Major publications:

Zielińska M. (2018). Granice [Borders].

Zielińska M. (2018). Kłopotliwe rozrywki [Troublesome Entertainments].

Zielińska M. (2017). Pogoda w czasach romantyków [Weather in the Times of Romantics].

Zielińska M. (1998). Polacy, Rosjanie i romantyzm [Poles, Russians and Romanticism].

Zielińska M. (1995). Warszawa – dziwne miasto [Warsaw, the Strange City].

Zielińska M. (1989, 1988). Opowieść o Gustawie i Maryli, czyli teatr, życie i literatura [The Story of Gustaw and Maryla, or Theater, Life and Literature].

Zielińska M., (1984). Mickiewicz i naśladowcy [Mickiewicz and His Imitators].

She is also co-author of Mickiewicz: Encyklopedia [Mickiewicz: Encyclopedia] (2001, 2010), and co-editor of Adam Mickiewicz, Listy: Wydanie Rocznicowe [Letters: The Anniversary Edition], vol. 1-4, Warszawa 1998-2005.


Marek Zaleski (1952) is a full professor and a head of the Research Group on Literature and Culture of Late Modernity at the Institute of Literary Research (PAS). His research focuses on literature of modernism and postmodernism, the writing of Czeslaw Milosz, representations of memory, affective turn. He has published five individual books, edited four books, including a monograph on Milosz’s Warsaw, and co-edited a collection of studies on affective operations in literature, cinema, and art. In 2012-2015 he was a principal investigator of the project financed by NCN (Polish National Science Centre). His research experience includes papers and lectures at Duke University (Durham), Cornell University (Ithaca), Indiana University (Bloomington), Yale University (New Haven), University of British Columbia (Vancouver), Toronto University, Centre Universitaire Malherbes-Sorbonne (Paris), Potsdam University, Sapienza Universita (Roma), Anna Akhmatova Museum at the Fountain House (Sankt-Petersburg), Circulos de Bellas Artes (Madrid), Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kiev) and others.

Research interests:

Modernism/postmodernism, memory studies, cultural analysis, aesthetics of affect.

Major publications:

Marek Zaleski (2019) “Zeugnis versus Ereignis: Ksawery Pruszyńskis Reportagen aus dem Spanischen Burgerkrieg” , in: Testimoniale Strategien: Vom Dokumentarismus zwischen den Weltkriegen hin zu medialen Assemblagen der GegenwartedM.MarszałekD.Herbst, Berlin: Kadmos 

Marek Zaleski (2018) The Mediascape’s Drifter Open Cultural Studies, 2018; 2: 574–580, de Gruyter open access: 

Marek Zaleski(2017), Like the Blank Tile in ScrabbleTeksty Drugie . English Edition,   s.120-137 

Marek Zaleski (2012) “Liberation from Memory: Memory, Post-memory, or Subverted Memory in What Does the Messenger Girl Do by Foks & Libera”, in: Germany, Poland and Postmemorial Relationsed. J.Nizynska and K.Kopf ,New York: Palgrave McMillan Press, s.146-167 

Marek Zaleski (2011) Zamiast. O twórczości Czesława Miłosza [Instead. On Czeslaw Milosz’s Writing] , Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie (see chapters republished in: «Miłosz Like the World». Poet in the Eyes of Polish Literary Criticsed. Z.ŁapińskiFrankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing House, 2015, s.229-243  and Teksty Drugie. English Edition 2012:  ,p.65-82 

Marek Zaleski (2004) Formy pamięci [Forms of Memory], Gdańsk: Słowo/obraz/ terytoria


Mikołaj Sokołowski is a Professor of Romantic Literature, History and Arts. He is Director of the Institute of Literature Research of the PAS (IBL PAN). His research focuses on Romantic literature and, among other things, on the relationship between Slavic and Romance literatures (mainly Italian) but also on English-language poetry and drama.

Research interests:

Romantic literature, poetry, drama, the relationship between Polish-Italian-French relations in literature

Major publications:

Sokołowski M. (2008) Nikt tylko Mickiewicz. [Nobody but Mickiewicz; Nessuno solo Mickiewicz].

Sokołowski M. (2012) Adwokat diabła: Attilio Begey. [The Devil’s Advocate: Attilio Begey; L'avvocato di diavolo: Attilio Begey].

Sokołowski M. (2016) Canonico. Antologia. [La biografia di Tancredi Canonico].

Sokołowski M. (2005) Emanuele Severino, Powrót do Parmenidesa (tłumaczenie z jęz. włoskiego, opracowanie i posłowie). [Emanuele Severino, The Return to Parmenides (translation from Italian, afterword); Ritornare a Parmenide, traduzione e postfazione di M. Sokołowski].

Sokołowski M. (red., 2005) Mit jedności słowiańsko-romańskiej w życiu i twórczości Adama Mickiewicza. Konfrontacje polsko-włoskie w 150 rocznicę śmierci poety. Red. M. Sokołowski. Warszawa, Wyd. IBL 2005, 251 s. [The Myth of Slavic-Romance Unity in Adam Mickiewicz’s Life and Opera. The Polish-Italian Meetings in the 150º Anniversary of the Death of the Poet. Ed. M. Sokołowski].