Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, PAS
Extensive field work in waste management facilities and dumps. Laboratory research and landfill closure process.
phone no. +371 28469044
juris@meeri.pl, juris@geo-it.lv
Towards ‘beyond the zero waste’ concept: innovative solutions for valorization of fine residual waste fraction from landfills. Physical Engineering
The aim of the project is to identify sustainable resources recovery potential for a fine residual fraction of landfill waste to estimate waste as a secondary resource and diminish GHG emissions.
The novelty of the project intends that only waste-derived materials lost for recycling will be used to produce the biocover. Geochemical and geotechnical properties of various composition innovative biocovers will be studied under conditions of landfill aeration. Methane degradation will be investigated in selected operating landfills. Scientifically justified recommendations for land recovery and ecosystem revitalization will be provided. The project will cover the laboratory and field experiments. The envisaged results will contribute to the EU Methane Strategy, EU climate policy, Circular Economy Action Plan, UN Sustainable development goals: SDG13 - reduction of GHG, and SDG12 - recovery of materials.
Juris Burlakovs earned his PhD in Geography from the University of Latvia. His scientific interests focus on heavy metal contamination remediation technologies and applications of those in different geoecological conditions. He is experienced in applied geology, conducted his research in Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. Earlier career is bound with geomagnetic research, geophysics and geology. He has received national and international recognition as a member of EAGE, EAG, CMS and various panels of experts.
Burlakovs, J., Kaczala, F., Stapkevica, M., Rudovica, V., et al. (2015). Field portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry as rapid measurement tool for landfill mining operations: comparison of field data vs. laboratory analysis. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 95 (7), 609-617.
Burlakovs, J., Jani, Y., Kriipsalu, M., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Kaczala, F., Celma, G., Ozola, R., Rozina, L., Rudovica, V., Hogland, M., Viksna, A., Pehme, K.M., Hogland, W., Klavins, M. (2018). On the way to `Zero Waste` management: Recovery potential of elements, including rare earth elements, from fine fraction of waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 186, 81-90.
Burlakovs, J., Kriipsalu, M., Klavins, M., Bhatnagar, A., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Stenis, J., Jani, Y., Mykhaylenko, V., Denafas, G., Turkadze, T., Hogland, M., Rudovica, V., Kaczala, F., Møller Rosendal, R., Hogland, W. (2016). Paradigms on landfill mining: from dump site scavenging to ecosystem services revitalization. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 123, 73-84.
7A J. Wybickiego 31-261 Kraków, Poland
Prof. Magdalena Wdowin
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